Some pests for the petunia

Some pests for the petunia

The hybrid Petunias are very hardy once in the garden. But its lush foliage and tender leaves are an 'invitation' to certain pests and diseases.

Hojas de Petunia híbrida comida por orugas

Petunia hybrid leaves eaten by caterpillars
As for pests, the most common are:

* .- The aphids develop on the tender shoots and flower buds before opening. They are controlled by treatment with systemic insecticides.
* The red spider .- Favored by high temperatures and low relative humidity, from late spring to late summer, are potentially active. They are located on the underside of the leaves and are controlled by treatment with acaricides.
* Caterpillars .- They are actually a large group of species of insects that gnaw at the larval stage leaves much to weaken plants petunias. They are controlled by treatment with systemic or contact insecticides.
* Leafminer .- This is an insect in its larval stages live inside the leaves between the two parenchyma, creating galleries white appearance by devouring the leaf tissue. They are controlled only by treatment with systemic insecticides.
* Snails and slugs .- Mostly active in rainy seasons or over-watering continued. Are controlled by specific insecticide treatments in the form of baits.

As for the diseases, the most common are:

* Botrytis .- may occur at low temperatures and high relative humidity. Podedumbre is a soft and there is a villi following the fruiting of the fungus. Are controlled by specific foliar fungicide treatments.
* Podedumbres stem .- Here you can group together a few diseases such as Sclerotinia, Fusarium or Rhizoctonia. A neck level, the stem turns black and rots. Are controlled by specific fungicide treatments applied in irrigation.
* Podedumbres roots .- It is usually more common in young plants and its main cause is the Phytophthora. Are controlled by specific fungicide treatments applied in irrigation and proactively avoid excess water in irrigation.


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