What is a Wall of culture?
A wall is a vertical garden cultivation. The plants are rooted in compartments between two sheets of fibrous material anchored to the wall. The water supply is provided between the plates and grown many species of plants. Bacteria metabolize plant roots air impurities such as volatile organic compounds.
The 'active walls' are attached to the air circulation system of the building. Fans blow air through the wall and then is recirculated through the building. Some active walls are glass surfaces for the effects of air flows more predictable. The 'walls inactive' or 'passive' no mechanized air circulation. Instead, they are open to promote, as far as possible the free circulation of air.
The walls are a growing form of urban agriculture or urban gardening. Often undertaken as a work of art for its beauty. Sometimes used to help cure sick building syndrome, and in any case, increasing oxygen levels in recirculated air.
It is also a means of water reuse, at least the water utility. Plants can purify the contaminated water (greywater) by digesting the dissolved nutrients. The bacteria mineralize organic compounds to make them available to plants.
The walls are growing very practical for cities, especially in vertical areas. Also for arid areas, because water movement in the vertical wall is less than horizontal gardens evaporable. In arid and hot, these walls can be part of the outer walls of a building, and to cool them
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